Saturday, June 29, 2013

Free Huggies Diaper

Don't we moms love free samples? I really do!

Last week, I saw an ad from Huggies that they are giving away samples of their diaper. You see, this is one of the best brands in the market and my daughter also tried using this when she was younger and I like this one too!

As what email stated, I will be receiving my free diapers in 7 days and it arrived this morning! I so love free stuff! Thank you Huggies!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I finally joined Instagram!

I had been contemplating whether to create an account here or not but then decided to create one today. When I downloaded this app on my phone, I got sad because I learned that I can only post photos using my mobile phone. Argh!

I also noticed that there is "not much" of creative designs here like you can make a collage of pics and insert text on it. I'm not sure of this because I haven't explored this yet.

Since I don't have WIFI at home yet, I may not be able to post photos all the time but you can follow me! I love followers! :) My instagram is bvleus.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Tips for Picky Eater Toddlers

I am one of the many moms who are trying to feed their kids healthy and nutritious foods. I am still contemplating whether my daughter is considered picky eater and sadly, yes she is a
picky eater. So I researched about this stage where eating can be frustrating sometimes and
thankfully, I now understand why toddlers are like this.

Here are some of the tips I learned:

1. Don't force them eat. 
They might be full and this is true in my case as my daughter still drink formula milk. During
morning, she usually drink 8-14 oz of milk and snacks in between so when lunch time comes, she sometimes hesitate to eat rice. They will eventually tell you that they are hungry and will ask for food.

2. Introduce them to food while they are young.
I am guilty with this because I myself am a picky eater up to this day. When my daughter was introduced to solid food, I don't give her carrots, potatoes or sayote. What I gave her was always Cerelac in different flavor and I really regret doing this.

3. This is a natural in toddlers.
I had been thinking a lot about this because my daughter would only eat pork, chicken, fish but not vegetables except potatoes and sayote and sometimes carrots. When I try to give her new vegetables to eat, she would just smell and play with it and this frustrates me a lot. So I what I do is I accept the fact that this is natural and my daughter will eventually eat other vegetables when she grows up.

There are a lot of other tips but these three are so applicable to me and my daughter. Right now, if my daughter doesn't want to eat, I don't force her anymore. I let her ask for food or milk because I don't want to get frustrated also. Sometimes I give her what food she asks me to prepare for her but I make sure that she still gets the nutritious food as much as possible.